Şüheda Şahin- Anadolu Kalkınma Vakfı Ortaokulu

My students created their class photo together. They used the collaboration section of pixton.

                                    Şeyma Gümüş-Şehit Ömer Özavcı Ortaokulu

            My students created their Pixton classes collaboratively. This is our class photo.


Vildan Yaman- Şehit Esat Akbaba Ortaokulu

Our Pixton class was created collaboratively.

 Semiha Yaman-Mollabey Ortaokulu
This is our pixton class which was created by my students.

Tuğçe Karabudak-Dr. Cavit Özyeğin Ortaokulu-
Here is our team photo! We enjoyed while creating our cartoons. 

Nahida Huseynova-School Lyceum #220
This is my team.

Angela Vass-School 49
Here is our Pixton class. 


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