Third Student Meeting

We held last student meeting on 10th May, 2021. The students told their opinions about the project and almost all of them said they would like to be an etwinner again in the upcoming years.

Participant schools are:

Anadolu Kalkınma Vakfı Ortaokulu (Şüheda Şahin)

School 49 (Angela Vass)

Şehit Ömer Özavcı Ortaokulu (Şeyma Gümüş)

Dr.Cavit Özyeğin Ortaokulu (Tuğçe Karabudak)

Mollabey Ortaokulu (Semiha Yaman)

School Lyceum (Nahida Huseynova)

Şehit Esat Akbaba Ortaokulu (Vildan Yaman)



  1. The last meeting was really fun and sad at the same time. It was really sad to say goodbye to everyone. Other than that, it was a successful meeting. I loved!

  2. First of all, it was a nice meeting. It was so sad to say goodbye to you

  3. It was incredible meeting!

  4. It was a nice meeting


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