Enrico's New Life(Our Joint Story)


        We finished creating our joint book about Enrico's new life. The project partners worked on Storyjumper in order to design our characters, scenes and the plot. Each of us followed the preceding chapters in the e-book to complete their own sections. It was an amazing work to do. The students loved this activity a lot and they always shared their invaluable ideas with us. It was so useful for their creative thinking skills. We are so glad to see them produce their own book. In our joint story, Enrico moves to his new school and this new life is paving the way for his new friends and unexpected adventures. He goes through several experiences which makes him understand the importance of values very well. Enjoy reading our joint e-book! 

The participant schools are shown below in the order we write our e-book:

Anadolu Kalkınma Vakfı Ortaokulu (Şüheda Şahin)

Dr.Cavit Özyeğin Ortaokulu (Tuğçe Karabudak)

Şehit Ömer Özavcı Ortaokulu (Şeyma Gümüş)

School 49 (Angela Vass)

School Lyceum (Nahida Huseynova)

Şehit Esat Akbaba Ortaokulu (Vildan Yaman)

Mollabey Ortaokulu (Semiha Yaman)

Şüheda Şahin- Anadolu Kalkınma Vakfı Ortaokulu

My students decided on what to write in our joint book(Enrico's new life ) in our online meeting.

Şeyma Gümüş-Şehit Ömer Özavcı Ortaokulu

My students and I made our decision on the plot of the story which was begun by our project partners on Storyjumper. My students came up with creative ideas especially pertinent to the moral values about Enrico's new life.

Vildan Yaman- Şehit Esat Akbaba Ortaokulu

Semiha Yaman-Mollabey Ortaokulu

We held a meeting about the story completion with my students. We created the final part of the story about Enrico.

Tuğçe Karabudak- Dr. Cavit Özyeğin Ortaokulu

We met at the school and completed the story of Enrico with storyjumper. Also we had online meeting via Zoom. My students shared their ideas and opinions after reading the new book and they wrote the rest of the story. We designed scenes and characters together. They enjoyed while doing this activity. 


  1. My students enjoyed themselves a lot while doing this activity.

  2. It was a great idea to write the rest of the story. I did this with pleasure.

  3. It was fun to write the rest of the story.

  4. I and my friends had a lot of fun while writing the rest of the story.

  5. Writing a story in the Last part of the project was very fun and good with my friends.

  6. It was an exciting and fun time with my friends

  7. My students liked this project while doing it. Great job!


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